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Mesmec is launching a new storage system for the food industry

BinStacker® is Mesmec’s brand-new system to simplify and enhance the storage of raw foods in the food processing industry. The invention is a solution to the concerns connected with the storage of Euro bins and carts. BinStacker® is a modular-based system that loads and unloads bins in a multi-level structure, developed to enhance tracking possibilities, improve food safety and reduce the need for manual labour.

In the food industry, millions of Euro bins and carts are in use daily. In a large factory, thousands of bins can be in use at once and the need for storing both empty and full bins is a constant concern – every bin requires almost one square meter each.

”We like to streamline and maximise the use of available square meters in production premises”, says Senior Vice President Anders Asplund. ”Our storage system can be built based on the footprint and ceiling height of the customers’ premises”, he continues.

During the last two years, Mesmec’s R&D department, together with a few key partners, spent thousands of hours developing and testing the new system. The basic way of controlling X and Y direction movements has been on the market for years, but Mesmec decided to take the system to the next level. Manufactured completely in stainless steel AISI304 with high cleanability and built for cold environments of + 2 to approximately + 10 C degrees, the system is the only one of its kind.

”We are happy to finally announce a storage system for Euro bins and carts that we have tested in a real environment with our demo system”, says Lasse Pöyhtäri, Development Manager at Mesmec. Project Director Ville Jutila continues: ”We can run different cycles, demonstrate the capacity and functionality to our customers and additionally perform cleaning of the system. Seeing is believing”.

For more information about the system see https://bin-stacker.com/ or contact Senior Vice President Anders Asplund https://mesmec.multi.fi/en/contact-us/

Sample of a BinStacker® E200_480 Storage system for 200 L Euro bins. Capacity 480 pcs in 6 floors.

Mobile X & Y wagons – controlled by WLAN and chargable batteries